
Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Network Troubleshooting Issues & Possible Resolutions:


  • Check to see if cable is plugged in
  • Check link light
    • Swap cables
    • Check card - Device Manager if  card is working properly, if not reinstall drivers - still not working indicates bad card



  • Same frequency
  • Cordless phones
  • Video distribution systems it uses all your wireless frequencies
  • Physical structure degradation of signal

  • Not next to motors or fluorescent lights
Causing EMI
  •  Cables kinked or worn
    • Route through wall or ceilings
    • If floors make sure cables are encased

  • Protocol installed
  • DHCP Settings
    • Address  - must be unique
    • Mask - right network
    • Router - default gateway is correct
    • DNS server - make sure it is correct
      • USE IPCONFIG /ALL  to verify correct settings

PING can tell you a lot about the status of your network.    Ping the :
  • Loopback to test your TCP/IP configurations on your local host.
  • A destination , no response try to ping another host,
    • If no response, check cables, NIC, or the IP configurations on you computer
    • If connects to private but not internet, then, verify default gateway on your computer
    • If all computers cannot connect to a remote computer, troubleshoot the router connection on the remote network.
  • DNS, by IP address works, but ping to DNS name fails, then you probably have a DNS (name resolution)  problem.
If the remote system your trying to test is on a different network segment use:
  • TRACERT to check the path of a ping
  • Check each step of the path to see if something is blocking communications.

Network FIREWALLS  are pre-programmed to not let PING echo  packets through.
- Check firewalls on both end devices to see if communications are being blocked by a host-based firewall.
- Check the service on the target device to make sure that it is running and is properly configured.  For example:  if you can not access a shared folder, make sure the folder is shared.

Login issues
  •  Verify Username & password
  • Ensure caps & number locks are disabled
  • Account Lockout  attempts
  • Verify user's account is enabled
  • Verify user has the needed permissions to access resouces

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Test Your Skill With This OSI Networking Model Game!!!

"Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model"

The Open System Interconnection (OSI) Model defines the frame work for implementing protocols in seven (7) layers.  It is how information goes from the application in one computer moves through a network medium to an application in another computer.

How well do you really know the OSI Networking Model? 
 Test yourself with our OSI Model game

Share your score and compare yourself to the best!!!