
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Laptop Repair

  Oh, what a blast!  It was lots of fun removing and replacing parts in this laptop with Pedro Hernandez and myself.  The hardest part was opening the laptop case.  Once, inside it was a piece of cake removing and replacing the memory, modem, and wireless network.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Plight Into Creating My Blogger.

     Ohhh, it looks so cool.  I want to create my blog.  Oh, oh, how do I get started?  Ooops, what is this?  Oh no, where am I?  How do I get back to that page?  Ohhh, what, where, how, this is a whirlwind!  Helppppp!  I am lost.  Ugh, I am going crazy.
     Creating a blog looks fast and easy to do, but be aware it is an adventure.  I just went on a ride with blinders lots of ohhhs and ahhhs.  My instructor and fellow classmates are on standby responding to my annoying queries and finally this post.  In retrospect, it was, as fun as, a roller coaster ride.  Hasta la vista!  Until the next time…