
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The weekend of October 19th through the 21st, was entirely amazing and energizing. I would not trade it for a trip to Disney. It was my first experience in participating in a StartUp battle.  Four teams were selected out of 18 pitches and were given 48 hours to think, build and pitch a product.  What a challenge!   


 Kudos to Venture X, Co-Founders Brent and David Diamond for making this event happen in SW Florida. 

Team Chime - The Winning Team

Congratulations to Team Chime for winning the StartUp Battle. They created a smartphone-enabled doorbell that alerts you when someone’s at the door.  I agree, they not only created the product and website but their financial plan was strong and ready to be financed. 

Each team’s ability to build camaraderie and collaboration was admirable. Kudos to all of you. 

Venture X Start Up Battle Participants 

Team Rectangle: NFC  enabled business cards,
which automatically sync with Android phones.

I was part of the Rectangle group that pitched the idea of a NFC (near-field communications) enabled business card which automatically syncs with Android phones. 

Marc Anthony Rosa presenting the Rectangle product.

It was Marc Rosa’s idea and he was great at leading us through the business plan. After identifying each of our skills and talents, he put us to work and kept us on task. 

Rectangle App created by  Tyler Thomas.                 

Tyler Thomas amazed us with his ability to build an Android app in two days! Panell wowed us with his artistic talent creating our graphic designs and logo for the Android app and presentation.
Dereck McCan and myself worked on research, collaborating with the team on the business plan, script and support. We worked so well together it was like making music. It was great fun!

                                                               THE OTHER TEAMS
 Team BAUSS Management: a single portal
for all communication homeowners associations
Team ProNector: an app that connects
 people with like minds.

Team Accessory Addict: created a
subscription-based accessories service for women.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Laptop Repair

  Oh, what a blast!  It was lots of fun removing and replacing parts in this laptop with Pedro Hernandez and myself.  The hardest part was opening the laptop case.  Once, inside it was a piece of cake removing and replacing the memory, modem, and wireless network.

Friday, November 16, 2012

My Plight Into Creating My Blogger.

     Ohhh, it looks so cool.  I want to create my blog.  Oh, oh, how do I get started?  Ooops, what is this?  Oh no, where am I?  How do I get back to that page?  Ohhh, what, where, how, this is a whirlwind!  Helppppp!  I am lost.  Ugh, I am going crazy.
     Creating a blog looks fast and easy to do, but be aware it is an adventure.  I just went on a ride with blinders lots of ohhhs and ahhhs.  My instructor and fellow classmates are on standby responding to my annoying queries and finally this post.  In retrospect, it was, as fun as, a roller coaster ride.  Hasta la vista!  Until the next time…